The Clever choice for your shipments!
With our service, you have access to a vast network of conveniently located points. We’ve partnered with the best in the business to ensure your parcel is in good hands. Enjoy lightning-fast delivery times.
Clever Point provides a seamless sending experience!
Send your parcel effortlessly, from a Clever Point...
A Clever Point location is definitely near you to send your package. Just follow the instructions below
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Clever Point transport parcels?
Parcels destined for the selected destination are handled by our reliable partners. Clever Point is responsible for the overall process, as well as monitoring the delivery progress.
For any information regarding a shipment you have sent from a Clever Point location, you can contact us directly, and we will assist you promptly!
How can I pay for my shipment?
For the cost of your shipment, you have the option to pay with cash at the location or with a card on our online shop.
Do I need to prepare my shipment online?
If you’re unable to prepare your shipment online to drop it off at a location, you can visit any Clever Point spot and ask our partner to prepare a shipment on the spot.
However, you should have all the necessary details (sender-receiver) readily available.
How fast will my shipment arrive?
The delivery speed can be influenced by various factors.
Clever Point has chosen the most reliable and fastest partners.
The average delivery times are as follows:
- Domestic (within city): 1-2 business days
- Domestic (outside city): 2-3 business days
- International: 2-3 business days (by air)
However, there is always a possibility of slight variations in the estimated shipping times.
Will my shipment be sent on the same day?
There is a possibility for the shipment to be picked up and sent on the same day if the parcel arrives at the point early enough in the morning.
If the parcel arrives at the point after noon, then the shipment will be picked up by the partner courier on the next business day and will start its journey to the final destination.
Fair and transparent charges.
*** The above prices are final including 24% VAT.